I’ve written infographics and other content for a variety of clients, including Microsoft, Autodesk, Seimens, the Huffington Post, and Motif Investing.

In an age where everyone is a publisher, I believe that illuminating the world through well-crafted content can be a sound marketing strategy for any business. Human beings build relationships through storytelling and information sharing. Like no other form of marketing, delivering reliable and useful information in an entertaining package can establish a lasting bond of trust between a customer and a brand.


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Challenge: To simplify the complexities of machine learning technology so that any reader could understand how to various algorithms can be applied to overcome business challenges.

Solution: I helped create a microsite which uses an interactive flowchart to demonstrate, in layman’s terms, how a user can utilize machine learning algorithms and data analysis to find answers to complex business questions.

Full site: http://azuremlsimpleds.azurewebsites.net/simpleds/


CareerPurpose by TIAA

Project: Putting my journalism skills to work, I researched and wrote career advice blog posts for a website created by TIAA. These posts were geared towards purpose-driven millennials looking to advance their careers in nonprofit organizations.

Links to my work:

“5 tips for acing your performance review in healthcare”

“Tips for getting published”

“How to stand out when applying for a non-profit job”



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Challenge: To explore how new technologies will change the driving experience, and show how Siemens leads the way.

Solution: My infographic highlights new technologies and innovative solutions by Siemens that are already improving the commute in American cities.

Full site: https://www.businessinsider.com/sc/driving-future-technology-roadtrip-2017-6

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Challenge: To show potential users how the Homestyler app could improve their customers’ experience and drive sales.

Solution: My infographic outline highlights a variety of use cases to show the tremendous potential of the Homestyler app for a variety of users.

Full image: https://visual.ly/m/design-portfolio/homestyler/

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Challenge: To inform readers on the scientific research in the field of positive psychology, specifically how feelings of gratitude affect the human body.

Solution: Using findings culled from a variety of published studies, I created an infographic highlighting specific steps readers could take to improve their own health through positive psychology.

Full image: http://www.huffingtonpost.com/2015/03/30/gratitude-effect-body_n_6510352.html

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Challenge: To simplify financial advice to help millennial earners plan for the future.

Solution: Working with the client to come up with four simple investment strategies, I backed these strategies up with data and distilled the logic behind them down into easy-to-understand explanations.

Full image: https://www.motifinvesting.com/blog/investment-strategies-to-grow-wealth

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Challenge: To show business leaders how they can take a change in government regulation and use it to give their brand a leg up on the competition.

Solution: With the client’s help, I laid out several strategies readers could take advantage of to turn the new regulation to their competitive advantage.

Full image: http://www.schawk.com/label-central/infographic